
National Suicide Prevention Month: Join SoldierStrong’s Efforts to Prevent Veteran Suicide

By Chris Meek| September 13th, 2023

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. When National Suicide Prevention Month began twenty years ago the death by suicide rate was 30% lower than it is today. Even with a continued reduction in the stigma surrounding seeking mental health treatment and the allocation of $222 million by Congress to the VA to prevent suicide in the past decade, there are still 17 veteran suicides each day. Even just one veteran suicide a day is far too many.

Dealing With the Effects of Post Traumatic Stress: Have You Considered Virtual Reality Therapy to Treat PTS?

By Chris Meek| January 02nd, 2022

More than 3 million Americans have served around 5.4 million deployments since the horrendous events that took place on 9/11, resulting in a considerable number of young veterans struggling with a plethora of mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress (PTS) and depression. Virtual reality therapy can be used to decrease or even eliminate symptoms of PTS.

Ensuring Rural Veterans Recieve the Mental Health Care They Need

By Chris Meek| June 02nd, 2021

As both the Veterans Administration (VA) and outside medical professionals and facilities look to expand access to mental health services to reach an even greater number of veterans and subsequently lessen the high rates of suicide within the population, the VA, the healthcare industry at-large and political leadership on the federal and state levels should continue to focus on greater efforts to reach rural veterans.

With light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, an opioid epidemic re-emerges

By Dr. Chris Meek| March 13th, 2021

The current global health crisis has presented a complex set of intersecting challenges unlike any witnessed in the history of humankind. COVID-19 has shaken the pillars of our humanity and, in the United States, tested the boundaries of our political landscape as deep divisions about how best to mitigate the spread of the virus and provide economic relief lay in stark contrast.

Suicide Awareness Month: How We Can Make A Difference

By Chris Meek| September 30th, 2020

As the stigma surrounding mental health has continued to lessen in recent years, more of an emphasis has been placed on suicide prevention and as a result a number of programs have emerged to varying degrees of success.

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